Stress Because of COVID-19 | FLIPIT

When the coronavirus hit in the United States, things began to change rapidly and stress because COVID-19 began to takeoff. As sports, businesses, schools, gyms, and more began to shutdown or shorten hours, households across the nation had serious conversations about the future.

All of these are serious conversations. Just like you, my wife and I have had some of these conversations. It is real. It is a challenge. IT IS STRESS!!

In the last couple of weeks, I’ve heard multiple people talking about their heavyweight of stress right now. Every time I hear someone talk about their stress, I think, “Boy, they need to know how to FlipIt!”

Recently, my wife told me, “People need it now, Jared! People are struggling and are deep into their stress. You need to teach about stress on a larger scale.”

One of the big topics I coach on is emotional intelligence and stress. I speak on stress and write about stress as well, but there is a concept that drives the topic of stress, FlipIt. That’s what my wife was telling me to get out to the masses.

The FlipIt concept is simple, yet complex. Here is the simplicity to the concept, flip your stress into success. Flip the bad stress that brings you down into the good stress that empowers you to accomplish some of the most amazing things.

FlipIt – Stress Empowerment Facebook Live

The quickest solution to get this concept out? Facebook Live.

Below, you will see the live videos that I have posted so for. I am not completely sure how many videos I will post overall, but I am going to go ahead and record a Facebook Live video about stress at least for the next 14 days.

If you want to be updated when the next post happens, just enter your information below and I will shoot you an email when it has gone live.

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    Stress During COVID-19 Craze

    STRESS: Are There Benefits?

    Stress can produce healthier lives, greater careers, and stronger relationships.

    Of course this is my subjective stance on stress, but there is a lot of research that supports my viewpoint besides my own personal experience. Here are some benefits:

    Stress is more healthy and beneficial than it is negative. According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, approximately 70% of our wakening hours is in a stressful state. That should give you hope about stress because most people work through their stress rather than are burdened by stress. 

    To simplify stress, there is unmanageable and manageable stress. Within the manageable stress, people can benefit from stress. Here are some examples of manageable stress: 

    • When you get nervous before you go into an interview and then you rock the interview, that was manageable stress. 
    • When you are challenged by a deadline to a project and you get extremely focused and do some of your best work, that was manageable stress.
    • When you are anxious before a meeting and you end up contributing valuable information, that was manageable stress.
    • When your blood is pumping before you do a hard workout and you meet personal records, that was manageable stress.

    Manageable stress has high returns to productivity, health, focus, and efficiency.

    If learning, performance, healing, and growth are the potential benefits to stress, would you like to know how to turn more stressful situations into beneficial experiences? Well, let’s keep learning how below. 

    Here is the key, “See what stress CAN do rather than how it can hurt you!”

    STRESS: Rooted In Your Stories

    Stress is NOT dependent on the stressors or external factors in life. They are dependent on the story that is being had internally.

    STRESS: Stressed About Stress

    Stress begets stress. Stress is contagious.

    STRESS: It Has 2 Options

    There are two options to stress. The result of stress is interpreting the situation as a THREAT or an OPPORTUNITY. You may believe this is just about being optimistic, but it is more than just that.

    STRESS: What It Means to FlipIt
